''Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks'' is a CGI-animated children's show on Discovery Kids, that premiered in the fall of 2006 and presented the fictional adventures of some monster trucks with the personalities of young children. In 2007, Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks was nominated for an Emmy Award in the Outstanding Special Class Animated Program category. Head writers credited on the show were Ken Cuperus, Alice Prodanou and Dave Dias. As of 2015, it is currently seen on Qubo and on Smile of a Child as "Monster Truck Adventures". ==Plot== Episodes take place in the fictional town of Crushington Park, especially in a practice arena full of obstacles and cars to destroy. The reference to Bigfoot (the original monster truck) appears to be a late addition to the program. The pilot episode "Race Relations" does not have the character LT (Bigfoot's Son) but instead has a towtruck named Hook who also has a profile on the official website. The official website also includes video from a pre-Bigfoot version of the pilot episode with a different theme song. Bigfoot does not appear in any of the first batch of episodes but was included in new episodes on the week of April 16, 2007. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク